双写单辅字符可以表示双写单辅字符之间是音节的分割处(规则编号4-06b) |
acclaim 欢呼 |
ac claim |
accomplish 完成 |
ac complish |
accord 一致 |
ac cord |
according 依照 |
ac cording |
accordion 手风琴 |
ac cordion |
account 帐目 |
ac count |
accredit 相信 |
ac credit |
accumulate 积累 |
ac cumulate |
accuse 指责 |
ac cuse |
accustom 使...习惯 |
ac custom |
occasion 场合 |
oc casion |
occlude 使闭塞 |
oc clude |
occur 发生 |
oc cur |
accept 接受 |
ac cept |
succeed 成功 |
suc ceed |
success 成功 |
suc cess |
address 通讯处 |
ad dress |
affair 事情 事件 |
af fair |
affect 影响 |
af fect |
affection 影响 感染 |
af fec-tion |
affirmative 肯定的 |
af fir-ma-tive |
afford 提供 给予 |
af ford |
effect 效果 结果 |
ef fect |
offend 冒犯 触怒 |
of fend |
official 官员的 |
of ficial |
suggest 建议 提议 |
sug gest |
suggestion 建议 提议 |
sug ges-tion |
allow 允许 准许 |
al low |
ally 同盟国 |
al ly |
allude 暗示 间接提到 |
al lude |
allusion 暗示 间接提到 |
al lu-sion |
balloon 气球 |
bal loon |
collector 收集者 收藏家 |
col lec-tor |
excellent 出色的 杰出的 |
ex-cel-lent |
hallo 喂 |
hal lo |
illiterate 文盲的 未受教育的 |
il lit-e-rate |
pollute 污染 |
pol lute |
pollution 污染 |
pol lu-tion |
satellite 卫星 |
sat-el-lite |
shoveller 使用铲子工作者 |
shov-el-ler |
usually 通常地 |
u-su-al-ly |
apparent 明显的 |
ap par-ent |
appeal 呼吁 |
ap peal |
appear 出现 显露 |
ap pear |
applaud 向...鼓掌喝彩 |
ap plaud |
apply 应用 |
ap ply |
appreciate 欣赏 赏识 |
ap pre-ci-ate |
apprentice 徒弟 |
ap pren-tice |
approve 赞成 同意 |
ap prove |
opponent 对手 |
op ponent |
oppose 反对 |
op pose |
oppress 压迫 |
op press |
supply 供给 |
sup ply |
support 支持 |
sup port |
suppose 假定 |
sup pose |
suppress 镇压 |
sup press |
arrest 逮捕 拘留 |
ar rest |
arrive 到达 |
ar rive |
correct 正确的 对的 |
cor rect |
corrupt 腐败的 贪污的 |
cor rupt |
irregular 不规则的 |
ir reg-u-lar |
surround 包围 围绕 |
sur round |
assemble 集合 |
as sem-ble |
assert 断言 |
as sert |
assist 援助 |
as sist |
assume 假定 |
as sume |
essential 必要的 |
es sen-tial |
necessary 必需的 |
nec-es-sa-ry |
attend 出席 参加 |
at tend |
attention 注意力 |
at ten-tion |
You can memorize words in an efficient way if you pronounce them reasonably. Say words correctly, and you will learn them easily. Correct pronunciation means correct spelling of the words. English spelling is not good to guide its pronunciation. But spelling and pronunciation have closed relationship. They match each other perfectly. Sometimes we can pronounce a word according to its spelling. English pronunciation can also guide its spelling. This is a two-way communication. |