141 ought/should 与 must 和 have to 的比较
A 用法的不同
1 ought/should 表示主语的义务或责任:
You should send in accurate income tax returns.
They shouldn't allow parking here;the street is too narrow.
This word is spelt wrongly.There should be another‘s'.
这不像 must 那样牵涉到说话人的权威,也不像 have to 那样牵涉到外界权威(参见第145节),仅仅牵涉到良心或见识的问题:
Pianist to pupil:You must practise at least an hour a day.
Pupil to musical friend:I have to practise an hour a day!
Musical friend:You ought to/should practise for more than an hour.
2 ought/should 与 must 和 have to 之间的又一区别在于,用 must 和have to 时通常给人的印象是一种义务正在被履行或将被履行。主语为第一人称时尤其是这样,而其他人称为主语时也常是这样。但 ought/should 则不使人特别感到义务正在或将要被履行。它时常给人义务不在或不将得到履行的印象,在第一人称主语后更是如此。
如果一位驾驶员说 I ought to/should go slowly here;it's a built-up area(我是该在此慢行的,这是一个建筑物密集的地区),这通常这意味着他不想要放慢车速。如果他真的要放慢车速,他会说 I must go/have to go/I will have to go slowly here。同样,如果某人说 We must have a party to celebrate your engagement(我们必须举办一个聚会来庆祝你的订婚之喜),他的朋友们有相当理由相信会举行聚会的,但如果他说 Weshould have a party… 就不是非常确定无疑的事了,他说话的语气或表情可能表示不可能举行聚会。
B 用法中类似的地方
1 should(但不是ought)可以用于正式通知或书面文告等:
Candidates should be prepared to answer questions on…
Intending travellers should be in possession of the following documents… 准备去旅行的人应备有以下的证明文件……
On hearing the alarm bell,hotel guests should leave their rooms… 听到警报铃声后,饭店的旅客必须离开各自的房间……
在这里可以用 must 而不改变句子的意思,但在此 should 表示义务的口气更缓和些。
2 ought 和 should 可表示忠告:
You ought to/should read this.It's very good.
但在语气较重的劝告中用 must 比较好:
You must read this.It's marvellous!
你必须读这个。写得精彩极了! |