单辅字符t在弱读字符u-/ure前读[t ]音(规则编号9-40) |
actual 实际的 |
actual |
agriculture 农业 |
agriculture |
architecture 建筑学 |
architecture |
century 世纪 |
cen-tu-ry |
creature 生物 |
cre ature |
culture 文化 |
cul-ture |
congratulations 祝贺 |
congratu la-tions |
eventual 最终发生的 |
eventual |
feature 特征 |
feature |
fortunate 幸运的 |
fortunate |
fortune 命运 |
fortune |
fracture 破裂 |
fracture |
furniture 家具 |
furniture |
future 将来的 |
future |
gesture 手势 |
ges-ture |
habitual 习惯性的 |
habitual |
impetuous 鲁莽的 |
im pet-u-ous |
ingratitude 忘恩负义 |
in grat-i-tude |
lecture 讲课 |
lecture |
literature 文学 |
literature |
manufacture 制造 |
manufacture |
misfortune 不幸 |
misfortune |
nature 自然 |
nature |
perceptual 知觉的 |
per ceptual |
picture 图画 |
picture |
signature 签名 |
signature |
situation 形势 |
situation |
statue 雕像 |
statue |
stature 身高 |
stature |
structure 结构 |
structure |
temperature 温度 |
temperature |
textual (书、杂志等)正文的;原文的 |
tex-tu-al |
unfortunate 不幸的 |
unfortunate |
You can memorize words in an efficient way if you pronounce them reasonably. Say words correctly, and you will learn them easily. Correct pronunciation means correct spelling of the words. English spelling is not good to guide its pronunciation. But spelling and pronunciation have closed relationship. They match each other perfectly. Sometimes we can pronounce a word according to its spelling. English pronunciation can also guide its spelling. This is a two-way communication. |