划分音节时不能把字组拆分到两个音节中去(chil-dren);br dr pr bl cr pl sp st tr等辅音连缀有时要当作字组来对待,即具有不可分割性,se-cret sa-cret mar-ble ta-ble ma-ple de-spise oy-ster;在某些字典上trouble(troub-le)一词的音节干脆就不划分了,library(li-bra-ry)i发长音,br属于后面的音节。有时又要考虑到词的来源或其他原因而不被当作字组来对待(ward-room Feb-ru-ar-y sec-re-tary)。如:pediatrics → pe-di-at-rics。这是因为Johns音标系统没有[tr]这个辅音,tr也就不被看作一个字组。
suspicion sus pi-cion [s sp n]
exact ex act [  z kt]
lis-ten cous-in
How to divide a word when writing or typing
When writing or typing it is sometimes neccessary to divide a word at the end of the line because there is not enough space for the complete word. This division is always shown by adding a hyphen(-) immediately after the first part of the divided word at the end of the line. Many people prefer not to divide words at all (especially when writing by hand), but if you do, here are three considerations to help you.
1. By syllable
This means dividing the word into syllables or units of sound. For example, the word kind has one syllable, kind·ly has tow, un·kind·ly has three and un·kind·li·ness has four.
2. By structure
This means dividing the word into the smaller units of meaning such as anti-, dis-, un-, ect(as in anti·sep·tic, dis·ap·pear, un·able) or an ending(a suffix) such as -age, -able, -fully(as in post·age, agree·able, grate·fully).
3. By meaning
This means deciding whether each part of the divided word can be understood or spoken so that the complete word is easily recongnised from the two parts. For example, it may be a compound word made up of two different words, such as spot and light in spot·light.
All three considerations must be used to decide whether and where you can divide a word. Here are six useful rules to help you:
1. Never divide a word within a syllable.
2. Never divide an ending (a suffix) of two syllables such as -able, -ably, -fully.
3. With the exception of -ly, never divide a word so that an ending of two letters such as -ed, -er, -ic begins the next line.
4. Never divide a word so that one of the parts is a single letter.
5. Never divide a word of one syllable.
6. Never divide a word of less than five letters.
Adapted from OXFORD ADVANCED LEARNER´S DICTIONARY OF CURRENT ENGLISH describe de-scribe de- 是前缀,两个音节之间有三个辅字符。
sion tion被看作一个字群,不拆分。 |
无论倒数第三个音节发长音或是短音,音节划分方式是一样的 |
非重读音节中字群-cious -scious -tious读[ s]音(规则编号7-04) |
ambitious 有抱负的 |
am bi-tious |
audacious 无畏的 |
au da-cious |
atrocious 残暴的 |
a tro-cious |
autecious 异苞同株的 |
aute-cious |
autocious 雌雄花同株的 |
au to-cious |
bodacious 胆大包天的 |
bo da-cious |
conscious 清醒的 |
con-scious |
delicious 美味的 |
de li-cious |
diecious 雌雄异体的 |
di e-cious |
edacious 狼吞虎咽的 |
e da-cious |
expeditious 迅速而有效的 |
ex-pe di-tious |
facetious 引人发笑的 |
fa ce-tious |
factious 内讧的 |
fac-tious |
ferocious 残忍的 |
fe ro-cious |
fictious 虚拟 |
fic-tious |
fractious 脾气不好的 |
frac-tious |
infectious 传染的,有感染力的 |
in fec-tious |
judicious 有判断力的,明智的 |
ju di-cious |
loquacious 饶舌的 |
lo qua-cious |
nutritious 有营养的 |
nu tri-tious |
officious 多管闲事的 |
of fi-cious |
pernicious 有害的,致命的 |
per ni-cious |
precious 珍稀的 |
pre-cious |
relecious 网状的 |
re le-cious |
spacious 宽敞的 |
spa-cious |
specious 似是而非的 |
spe-cious |
superstitious 迷信的 |
su-per sti-tious |
subconscious 下意识的 |
sub con-scious |
suspicious 怀疑的 |
sus pi-cious |
tecious 单调乏味的 |
te-cious |
unconscious 无意识的 |
un con-scious |
非重读音节中字群-cia -sia -tia读[ ]音(规则编号7-05) |
Asia 亚洲 |
A-sia |
inertia 懒惰 |
in er-tia |
judiciary 司法部 |
ju di-cia-ry |
militia 民兵 |
mi li-tia |
Prussia 普鲁士 |
Prus-sia |
Russia 俄罗斯 |
Rus-sia |
tertiary 第三的 |
ter-tia-ry |
可以在发短音的元字符下点个点儿,在发长音的元字符下划条线。 |