重读音节中短化了的元RE复元字符变体(规则编号5-07) |
重读ar+元字符的短化读音为:[ r]+元字符的弱音[ ]或[ ] |
baron 男爵 |
bar-on |
Carol 卡罗尔(Carolina的昵称) |
Car-ol |
Carolina 南、北卡罗来纳州 |
Car-o li-na |
comparative 比较的 |
com par-a-tive |
characterize 具有...的特征 |
char-ac-ter-ize |
character 性格 |
char-ac-ter |
charity 慈悲 |
char-i-ty |
clarity 明晰 |
clar-i-ty |
familiarity 熟悉 |
fa mil-i ar-i-ty |
paradise 天堂 |
par-a-dise |
paradox 自相矛盾的人或事 |
par-a-dox |
paralyze 使麻痹 |
par-a-lyze |
parasite 寄生生物 |
par-a-site |
solidarity 团结一致 |
sol-i dar-i-ty |
tariff 关税 |
tar-iff |
重读er+元字符的短化读音为:[er]+元字符的弱音[ ]或[ ] |
American 美国的 |
A mer-i-can |
cerebral 大脑的 |
cer-e-bral |
cherish 珍爱 |
cher-ish |
gerund 动名词 |
ger-und |
heritage 遗产 |
her-i-tage |
hysterical 歇斯底里的 |
hys ter-i-cal |
imperative 必要的 |
im per-a-tive |
inherit 继承 |
in her-it |
numerical 数字的 |
nu mer-i-cal |
perish 枯萎 |
per-ish |
perol 危险 |
per-ol |
prosperity 繁荣 |
pros per-i-ty |
stereotype 铅版印刷 |
ster-e-o-type |
therapy 疗法 |
ther-a-py |
重读ir+元字符的短化读音为:[ir]+元字符的弱音[ ]或[ ] |
empirical 经验主义的 |
em pir-i-cal |
lyric 歌词 |
lyr-ic |
myriad 无数的人(或物) |
myr-i-ad |
spirit 精神 |
spir-it |
siren 汽笛 |
sir-en |
syron =syrup |
syr-on |
syrup 糖浆 |
syr-up |
tyrannize 施暴政 |
tyr-an-nize |
tyranny 暴政
tyr-an-ny |
重读or+元字符的短化读音为:[ r]+元字符的弱音[ ]或[ ] |
authority 权力 |
au thor-i-ty |
authoritative 权威性的 |
au thor-i-ta-tive |
Doris 多莉丝(女子名) |
Dor-is |
florist 花商 种花者 |
flor-ist |
forage 搜寻 |
for-age |
foreign 外国的 |
for-eign |
foreigner 外国人 |
for-eign-er 词源foreign |
forest 森林 |
for-est |
orator 演说者 |
or-a-tor |
priority 优先权 |
pri or-i-ty |
superiority 优越 |
su pe-ri or-i-ty |
You can memorize words in an efficient way if you pronounce them reasonably. Say words correctly, and you will learn them easily. Correct pronunciation means correct spelling of the words. English spelling is not good to guide its pronunciation. But spelling and pronunciation have closed relationship. They match each other perfectly. Sometimes we can pronounce a word according to its spelling. English pronunciation can also guide its spelling. This is a two-way communication. |