字群 -cial -sial -tial 在非重读音节中读[ l] (规则编号7-01) |
agential 代理人的 |
a gen-tial |
artificial 仿造的 |
ar-ti fi-cial |
auspicial 占卜的 |
au spi-cial |
beneficial 有益的 |
ben-e fi-cial |
commercial 商业的 |
com mer-cial |
controversial 有争议的 |
con-tro ver-sial |
credential 国书;凭据 |
cre den-tial |
crucial 决定性的 |
cru-cial |
differential 差别的 |
dif-fe ren-tial |
especial 特别的 |
es pe-cial |
essential 必要的 |
es sen-tial |
facial 面部的 |
fa-cial |
financial 金融的 |
fi nan-cial |
glacial 冰川(期)的;非常冷的 |
gla-cial |
influential 有影响的 |
in-flu en-tial |
initial 字首的 最初的 |
i ni-tial |
initialize 初始化 |
i ni-tial-ize |
judicial 法庭的 法官的 |
ju di-cial |
martial 军队的 |
mar-tial |
official 官员 |
of fi-cial |
partial 部分的 |
par-tial |
potential 潜在的 |
po ten-tial |
presidential 总统的 |
pres-i den-tial |
racial 种族的 |
ra-cial |
sciential 知识的;有学识的 |
sci ential |
social 社会的 |
so-cial |
spacial 空间的 |
spa-cial |
spatial 空间的 |
spa-tial |
special 特别的 |
spe-cial |
specialize 成为…专家;专攻 |
spe-cial-ize |
specialty 特色菜 |
spe-cial-ty |
substantial 重大的 |
sub stan-tial |
You can memorize words in an efficient way if you pronounce them reasonably. Say words correctly, and you will learn them easily. Correct pronunciation means correct spelling of the words. English spelling is not good to guide its pronunciation. But spelling and pronunciation have closed relationship. They match each other perfectly. Sometimes we can pronounce a word according to its spelling. English pronunciation can also guide its spelling. This is a two-way communication. |