非重读音节中字群-cious -scious -tious读[ s]音(规则编号7-04) |
ambitious 有抱负的 |
am bi-tious |
audacious 无畏的 |
au da-cious |
atrocious 残暴的 |
a tro-cious |
autecious 异苞同株的 |
aute-cious |
autocious 雌雄花同株的 |
au to-cious |
bodacious 胆大包天的 |
bo da-cious |
conscious 清醒的 |
con-scious |
delicious 美味的 |
de li-cious |
diecious 雌雄异体的 |
di e-cious |
edacious 狼吞虎咽的 |
e da-cious |
expeditious 迅速而有效的 |
ex-pe di-tious |
facetious 引人发笑的 |
fa ce-tious |
factious 内讧的 |
fac-tious |
ferocious 残忍的 |
fe ro-cious |
fictious 虚拟 |
fic-tious |
fractious 脾气不好的 |
frac-tious |
infectious 传染的,有感染力的 |
in fec-tious |
judicious 有判断力的,明智的 |
ju di-cious |
loquacious 饶舌的 |
lo qua-cious |
nutritious 有营养的 |
nu tri-tious |
officious 多管闲事的 |
of fi-cious |
pernicious 有害的,致命的 |
per ni-cious |
precious 珍稀的 |
pre-cious |
relecious 网状的 |
re le-cious |
spacious 宽敞的 |
spa-cious |
specious 似是而非的 |
spe-cious |
superstitious 迷信的 |
su-per sti-tious |
subconscious 下意识的 |
sub con-scious |
suspicious 怀疑的 |
sus pi-cious |
tecious 单调乏味的 |
te-cious |
unconscious 无意识的 |
un con-scious |
You can memorize words in an efficient way if you pronounce them reasonably. Say words correctly, and you will learn them easily. Correct pronunciation means correct spelling of the words. English spelling is not good to guide its pronunciation. But spelling and pronunciation have closed relationship. They match each other perfectly. Sometimes we can pronounce a word according to its spelling. English pronunciation can also guide its spelling. This is a two-way communication. |