He was an American in London and had hired a guide to show him the city.
''How long did it take to build this house?'' he asked his guide as they passed a large hotel building.
''Why, about six months.''
''Six months!'' exclaimed the American. ''Why, it wouldn't take us more than six weeks to put a building like that in New York.''
They passed an office building which was quite new.
''And how long did it take to build that?''
''About four weeks,'' answered the guide.
''Four weeks!'' said the American. ''In New York we'd build a place like that in four days.''
Nothing more was said until they approached the Houses of Parliament.
''Well, that's not a bad looking place. How long did it take to build it?''
''Well, you may not believe me,'' answered the guide, ''but that building wasn't there when I crossed the bridge last night.''
1. Where did an American travel?
2. Whom did he hire?
3. What question did the tourist ask when they passed a large hotel building?
4. What did the guide answer?
5. Was the American surprised?
6. What did he say to the answer?
7. How long would it take the Americans to build a hotel like that?
8. How long did it take the Englishmen to build an office building?
9. How long would it take the Americans to build the same office building?
10. What did the American say about the Houses of Parliament?
11. What did the guide answer to his question: "How long did it take you to build it?" |